Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This is my burn letter... Walk with me

Dear Mr. Dream Man

I like you, from your country ways to your dreads to your thug like actions.  When i think of you i think of Rihana's song, "Theres a thug in my life" kinda cheesy i know but o well... Yeah we hit bumpy roads but i'm glad it was with you... were sorta like unlatching magnets that keep ending up back together.  HOW!?!?! I don't know but I really like the mystery of it all!

I had my moments with you where i felt like the stuff that you have going on in your life is gonna keep you away but you seem to make me feel better with just your words... I mean i noticed a lot of things about you that kinda made me feel odd but i never bothered to mention it to you because I didn't want to start any drama but Since i'm writing you this letter i hope things change.  Well let me correct that ... I hope things could have changed if we were gonna remain talking

see i wrote you this letter because i noticed that you got a little mad at me ... for not hitting you up... ok I admit it i messed up... but for you to tell me to "do me" over something soo small really made me think if we really HAD something... because if we did why would you be so quick to give it up... 

I haven't told you this but since we started talking I haven't know what "me" was because the word "we" sounds so much better.  Not to sound conceited or anything but so many guys have been hitting me up trying to get to know me but with you in mind and all the respect I have for you i couldn't do it.  I mean today changed all of that.  It changed because after my mistake you ignored me for two days straight... it may not seem like much to you... but in two day we could have grown so much closer... 

I don't play the blame game thats corny, i noticed my flaws but i need you to know for your future relationships you cant dwell on the past.... granted you've been hurt... but there WILL BE someone wants to patch up the wound and make it better... you have a history... no one can change it but you can create a better history with you...  Open up a little it cant hurt you but instead help you get some of that weight off your chest... But i'm noones judge i'm just speaking from what i see.... ignore it if you want....Of course you'll never read this but its ok i feel a lot better now that its off my chest

It hurt my feelings to let it end like this but I wish you nothing but happiness and prosperity.  You'll always be in my prayers.  and ill always be here if for any reason you ever want to talk... but i do give up on trying to be your girl friend and make you happy... and the funny things is i'm no quitter... I've sat around and patiently waiting for you to look at me as more then just A girl but as YOUR girl and you seem to look right past me or better yet, at your past.... Hope that does you well

Not gonna lie after this letter Ill probably stick around just a little while longer just to make sure YOU are ok about sleeping alone... but then again you probably wont be alone... oh well

So long sir... It was great while it lasted and will always be in my heart...

Maybe ill see you next life time 
Sincerely yours
Natural Beauty


  1. "I haven't told you this but since we started talking I haven't know what "me" was because the word "we" sounds so much better."
    im diggin this right here keep doin ya things pretty lady sweet & passionate words sounds like u have a excellent heart and mine

  2. The Philosophical Theoretical Mark HillJanuary 11, 2011 at 12:44 AM

    this is some wild shit ! like so many situations happen like that every day ! if more dudes would read this and analytically formulate how in so many ways they over react sometimes, relationships would b so soo much better ! i like this tho fareal fareal ! coming from the opposite end !

  3. *clapping*
    cheers! ... for every woman who believes they deserve better. for every woman who won't settle but committ to finding their right one. for every woman who can walk away and know that they made the RIGHT decision for THEMSELVES.

  4. your too beautiful to settle for something that is obviously not working out. i know you really like him its obvious but i don't think he's ready to commit to you ( this is from actually knowing who "he" is) he has A LOT going on and is obviously not ready to b in a new relationship and give you his all which is what you need and deserve. don't be the rebound girl. let him goooo so he can figure himself out. i know you probably fear that by letting him go, he will go back to his ex or whoever *outta site outta mind* but if thats what hes gonna do, was you have to ask yourself "was it true" really true.

    im giving you my opinion because i think you deserve sooooo much better.

    * and this is advice from an unbiased female*


SO I was thinking...