Friday, December 24, 2010


Only thing constant is change.
so today I got a reality check
I need to CHANGE my ways
and realize that because the world is CHANGing
I need to CHANGE and make everyone else happy

do i completely agree
but according to a certain someone
ALL of my friends have CHANGED so its time i do
because me being me is Making me SELFISH
so i will stop being selfish and please everyone else

=( being exposed makes u think... damn

Natural Beauty

1 comment:

  1. hmmm i love this blog.
    not because i am completely agreeing but because you SEE your mistakes and are willing to improve them.
    although, the making "everyone happy" thing may soon get exhausting. i say you have a happy medium of pleasing yourself and others
    but i am proud of you. <3


SO I was thinking...