Thursday, December 23, 2010


picture edited by Complex <3
Who? what? where the HELL is Indigo Nashea??

I said:
I am A girl oh yeah who has grown into this beautiful woman
pshh NO I'm not conceited because I called myself Beautiful I'm Intelligent because I noticed it myself without having to be told;
oh you don't like my confidence thats FINE.. haha AYE OK with me.
I've recognized that NO man will ever complete me because I came in this world alone so why not do the damn thing alone.
Comfortable in my skin indeed I am
& forced to be my Own motivation

Who is Indigo Nashea you ask?
I call myself a Natural Beauty... why? oh yeah I did cut my perm off last November
November 23rd to be exact and now that I think of it... it was the best day of my life.
I was insecure at first ... yeah but I'm over it the confidence is back
Make up is for fun but def. not needed. Yeah my eyes are light but that doesn't make me pretty
I'm light skin yeah thats ok... but that doesn't make me pretty
My hair is Curly, yeah thats cool
My face is full and a little on the chubby side.. Thats alright. I like it
My lips are definitely fuller then many.. I'm grateful
I have a personality thats pretty AWESOME and down to earth... don't believe me THATS ok.. i expect that.
Acknowledge the haters? not at all.  I embrace them and consider them friends
Hate on people? not at all I actually compliment people.
Strong believer that Jealousy is a serious condition and wouldn't want to be the one to swallow that pill

Who is Indigo Nashea You ask?
Well I'm one of kind
sorta Unique
don't like drama but handles it when needed
honors friendship but quick to let go
don't believe in love
Loves to laugh
Crushes hard but likes a lot harder
don't believe in lust because I'm a big believer in relationships
Notices my flaws before anyone points them out
embraces my self
plans to travel the world
I have big dreams that are going to be put into action sooner then later
A name you want to remember......
a book that has only 20 chapters so far & so many more to go
and much much more

They say:
Indigo Nashea is a respectful of herself as well as others
would give the world if she could to anyone
is a Virgo
Remembers a lot of stuff
cherishes every moment like its her last because shes aware tomorrow is never promised
lives in the moment but thinks about the future
regrets nothing but the lack of sleep
Gorgeous girl even on her bummy days
loves to love... although she'll never admit it
afraid but never shows it
Smiles with that beautiful smile ALL the time
Envied by many but that doesn't fuel her
Aims for success
A true Leader
Team player
Hard worker
and thats only to name a few qualities...

Until next time......
Natural Beauty

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SO I was thinking...