Thursday, September 22, 2011


Damn yo
his absence left me alone with my thoughts
and my thoughts kinda went like this

He's messing with someone else
no better yet he went back to the "lil girl"
i mean thats cool cause then we will be just friends again
and then maybe i can take up that date.

But I really liked him
but good thing i didn't fall completely head over heels
cause then this would be bad news bears part two

Good job indigo.
Damn he aint even thinking bout me
wth did i do?
you didn't do anything Indigo

wait *phone rings*
oh sh*t its him nd its not a txt its a call

me: hello
him: (sexy voice) Hey lil lady what you up too
me: nothing watching the game
him: ok well I'm on the turnpike be home shortly. we have a long night nd i still gotta catch up on the game but you'll probably be asleep by then
me: alright let me know when you get home
(a little small talk)
him: ill txt you when i get home
me: ok

so back to my thoughts
maybe he does still care or he's putting up a good front
GEEZS i just want all of someone ... its about that time!

When will I ever find mr. right because mr right nows keep popping up in my pictures
& honestly I'm kinda over it!

Until next time =/
Natural Beauty

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SO I was thinking...