Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cant let him go- fiction story... or is it?

Oh yeah... today was a good day! all i wanted was to be his friend again and it happened..
so lemme explain it all started at this party at school, yeah not a great place to meet the man of your dreams but aye it happens, so anyway we didn't say much but I knew it was meant to be... he was a jock and i was a dancer... that works ... I'm pretty and hes handsome but his stats say so much more... anyway.. we hung out after the party but things didn't go quiet as planned... i was convinced it was over... found out he had a girlfriend... things weren't what they seemed in the beginning... shaking my head... typical guy right.

Anyway, we returned to school after a nice long break and in my mind and heart I KNEW I COULDN'T LET HIM GO!  saw him the first day back at school and all those butterflies flooded my stomach like they did when  I First saw him.  He smiled and i smiled and thats when i notice that i HAD to have him.  He pulled me to the side and we chatted a little and then went on about our day.  A text or two here and there; made each one of us smile a lil; hangin out after school became a routine for the two of us but we were still just friends... as time past we began to become sorta attached... at least thats what i forced myself to believe.  I couldn't be wrong after all i was being fed all the GREAT things i wanted to hear, any girl would love to hear these things.  And of course we would fall for everything after a while.

never did i once question the status of the girl he had when i first met him because after all I COULDN'T let him go anyway! He would always be mine.. until one day.. i got a text from a random number asking about him.... in my mind ... if they really wanted to know... they could have just asked him.... im no messenger and not his of course... but the text didnt ask if he was ok or if where he was .... it said......

To be continued!

Natural Beauty

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SO I was thinking...