Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What this girl wants

A few weeks back, I got a little upset because someone told me what they wanted, and in the message he said, "I just don't know what you wanted from me."

This is when I pause!  What I want?  damn it man. I don't need you to give me anything.  I can provide for my damn self thank you very much!!

But since that talk, I have been doing nothing but thinking (what i do best) and i realized, i do have wants because no matter how much i can provide for myself, a little companionship never hurt anyone.

I realized that i want someone who when they find out I'm sick comes to see me just to caress my hair and put me to sleep.

               I want someone who will call me just to hear my voice not to really tell me anything but just to say hey!

                    I want someone who can make me laugh mid day for no reason at all!
                         I want someone who can meet my class with his swagg and when we go out we breaking everyones neck.
                             I want a great hugger and an amazing kisser! (a simple kiss to the forehead every once in a while)

      Im interested in a MAN
           an educated man, with ambition for days, with a strong faith and great goals.
            who will enjoy my natural beauty but also adore my made-up face
someone who will enjoy my corny horrible jokes, but still laugh!

My wants are not money things, hell you don't even have to be my boyfriend... Just be my Boo thang...

until next time
Natural Beauty

whats your plan?

This is it! the time is now.  We Have to make a plan.  I tell myself, "Indigo, you are 21 years old.  What do you want to do with your life?" then i sit down and brain storm about what I want to go down... how I want it to go down and then I WRITE it down.

- I will become a successful  Journalist
-I will become a successful actress
- I will create a memorable woman
- I will not die before making a difference in the world

And the list is still growing! Just keep your eyes peeled for me! It'll be worth the wait!

Natural Beauty